Lockdown, quarantine and emergency. These words have newfound prominence in the vexing times of the pandemic. We praise them; we berate them. Still, we must follow them. For our government has them formally executed. While I agree with governments across the world that their citizens’ lives matter more than their opinion, I fear and question their fidelity to that opinion. The question to ask is not how will it help us but rather how much will it help us (and hence, how much will it help you). The question does not insinuate that lockdowns and emergencies are in bad spirit. It implies a question which may be increasingly posed in the future when coronavirus cases are flattening in their graphs. It asks for rational reasoning to understand how a measure will stop the barrage and what are the alternatives. Dear reader, you must understand that there is no problem without alternative solutions. Even a mathematically defined Rubik’s cube has multiple algorithms to solve it. So whe...