'The happiest people are those who give more, not those who get more.'
I have often pondered upon this old saying, and with long thought on this matter, have been enlightened with the answer. The answer is within you. Greed and jealousy have long ruled over the hearts and souls of people. But filling a bottomless hole, greed, is impossible. Social responsibility has changed that zero sum game to a positive sum one. If you give service to those in need, you get happiness and joy beyond expectations.
I learnt this basic principle from the people surrounding me, my family. They stood by those in search for support. When one in need came to our doorstep, he/she never left without ideas to change what they thought they were to what they were meant to be.
My parents showed me examples of the cruel world which marginalised certain sections of society. They led me to Non Governmental Organisations(NGOs), orphanages, old homes etc. It didn't make sense at first. Why would social stigma traumatise individuals with certain impairments? Which heartless being would shun their family for societal acceptance? Turns out, a lot of people would. My family lit the path for me to see what lay beyond. Once I had seen a glimpse of the harsh world, I swallowed the hatred coursing through my veins and vowed to change it all, one by one.
Some of the many organisations I visited as a curious under 10 child included Samridhdhi (http://samridhdhi.org/), Sandesh (https://www.sandeshindia.org/), Mitra Jyothi (https://www.mitrajyothi.org/), Om Ashram (http://www.omashram.org/), Mathru Foundation (http://mathrufoundations.org/), ThayiMane(http://www.thayimane.org/) and Tejomay Charitable Trust (http://tejomay-ngo.org/).
Here, I spent many days with my parents and sister decoding ways to help the souls.
Many donations and services later only does one understand the true privilege given to us. We tend to see the world through the perfectionist's lens, forgetting that we ourselves are not perfect in any which way. To calm the insecurities which rise in us on seeing what is different from our daily interactions, we shun the varied people. Our behaviour is a cycle which has predated our modernisation and followed us past the 20th century. To save the needy, people who care are needed, else the world will never change. It won't.
I appeal to the readers to please not be stingy in service and listen to your inner calling for social responsibility.
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