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The Argument: God Doesn't Exist

God is an enigmatic entity of whose existence we have remained forever in doubt. However, today, via the use of 14 points, OneWorld will prove that God cannot exist (by definition). This dialectic argument first accepts that God exists, then by contradiction proves the antithesis. 


  1. God, by definition, implies an entity which is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient; enforces and (or) creates morality in the universe. This is the generalised definition of God, the Almighty, the Lord et cetera.
  2. The Universe is governed by the Laws of Physics.
  3. The Laws of Physics, in a given cosmic phase, are constant and unyielding to change (See Footnote 1).
  4. All actions are caused by the effects of previous actions (See Footnote 2).
  5. All actions in the universe take place within the universe (See Footnote 3).


  1. By the first claim, God is an entity which actively enforces (and possibly creates) morality via a plethora of actions.
  2. By the second and fifth claim, all actions take place in the universe and are governed by the Laws of Physics.
  3. By the fourth claim, there can be no action which is uncaused.


  1. By the second and first reason, all actions of God are (if they exist) also governed by the Laws of Physics (which are, by the third claim, constant and unyielding to change) as they happen in the universe.
  2. By the first conclusion and third reason, there can be no action of God which is uncaused.
  3. By the second conclusion, all actions of God are due to past events and occurrences.
  4. By the third conclusion, the actions taken by God are not by God, but by past events and occurrences.
  5. By the fourth conclusion, God is not active. This contradicts the first reason, derived from the first claim. 

By the above reasons, God is not an active enforcer of morality.

RESULT: By definition, God does not exist.

Footnote 1: While the laws of physics have the propensity to change with the space-time changes, they change in cohesion with previous laws of physics. That means that cosmic phase transitions, brought about by different pieces of the space-time fabric interacting, change the laws of physics in ways they were meant to be changed due to such interactions between 2 different components of the fabric. In effect, these words mean that the interactions between 2 sets of laws are the reason for a new set of laws. That is, the previous sets of laws of physics cause the new sets of laws of physics. However, at this point, you may feel the need for a first cause, or the first set of laws of physics. However, it is perfectly logical, and mathematically consistent, that an infinite number of causes and effects with no real first cause is probable.

Look at these mathematical equations:

The predicate of n where is a natural number:

For case 0:

P(n) => P(n+1)

However, why must necessarily be a natural number, when causes and effects take place in both directions.


The predicate of n where n is an integer:

For a case m:

P(n) => P(n+1)

P(n) => P(n-1)

Termed infinite regress, these mathematically consistent equations show us that there is no real need for a first cause. It is only a psychological desire and gut feeling which drives us towards such a conclusion. 

Footnote 2: 

All actions are caused by previous actions. This is because all things are caused to exist. For example, take a pencil. It is caused to exist because of wood, graphite and rubber. These, in turn, are caused to exist because of trees, carbon, sap et cetera. By that means, one can derive the same logic for all actions. There is writing on this website because of the work of a mechanical keyboard. The mechanical keyboard types out these letters because of the fingers of OneWorld. The fingers of OneWorld type because of OneWorld having muscular energy. OneWorld has muscular energy because OneWorld ate, and so on. Hence, all actions (be it physical or mental - but we focus on physical over here), are caused by previous actions. As the logic was with the laws of physics: an infinite list of actions going both up and down. 

Footnote 3:

The universe implies the entire space-time fabric. It includes all multiverses in it and all the portions of the fabric which may follow different laws of physics. Hence, all that happens inside the universe, is all that can affect it. By that, we can logically conclude that all actions in the universe (i.e. those which affect it) take place within the universe.

Hence, it is important to note that while one may never prove beyond doubt that God exists in a character, we can always solve the mystery with logic and science. To that end, I urge you to read the above statements and comment if there are loopholes in the above conclusion, which would curtail the defeat of the conclusion. The quest for God, after all, is a quest of mankind.

This argument, like any other in the River of Philosophy, has the liability to be proven wrong. If there is any logical explanation which proves my claims true (that is, proves the result false), please feel free to leave a comment below. I would like to be enlightened of the same.

Following articles will contain a detailed understanding of the above logical argument.


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