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Bribery: Evident in Motive

Bribery is the giving or obtaining of particular resources in negotiation for a type of influence or action which the recipient would ordinarily not offer. In most countries, including India, stringent laws protect us from the evil clasp of bribery. There is, naturally, the sporadic contravening of law. Since major crackdowns upon corruption in India, just and swift punishment is meted out to disobeyers of its strict legislation.
Blatant corruption is not a rare phenomenon in India. Though thoroughly disguised and nearly undetectable, it exists in significant volumes. Such acts cannot be labelled bribery. They cannot be punished under constitutional legislation. This leads to enormous growth in such forms of corruption.
A recent occurrence of such corruption was observed in Karnataka State politics. Here, a recently admitted leader 'bribed' prominent candidates in the by-poll elections taking place this year. These MLAs had previously been disqualified from the House before the collapse of the prior coalition. Currently forerunners in the by-elections, they have been offered 'key roles' in the newly constituted government.
Such actions must amount to bribery. Bribing our representatives too is a dangerous game. We must not allow our leaders to be compromised by greed and encourage them to remain selfless individuals. They must reacquire their genuine motivation towards politics. If selfishness is their reason, we must remove them from power.  Bribery such, must not be tolerated by the common men.


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