Divisive statements. They are ubiquitous and not specific to any particular field. However, their most explicit usage is majorly in the field of politics. Nation-wide or region-specific, these statements are cunningly crafted to shock, provoke and divide. The Britons were pioneers in the strategy of 'divide-and-rule'. These tactics are conventional methods of providing a 'stable' base to configure an electoral gain for any candidate or political party. Its extensive usage threatens the pillars of democracy and the foundations of the Constitution. To immunise the populace to reject knowledgeably the statements made for the sake of electoral glory and not for the true spirit which it withholds. Readers here is an accurate and fact-filled description and analysis of the problem we are faced by today.
Political parties are, in the author's definition, an organised group of politically motivated individuals progressing an ideology forced upon them by Adam Smith's invisible hand, in the foresight of being elected to promote self well-being in various fields (e.g. monetary/respect). With a particularly coloured semblance to the Wikipedia definition, OneWorld sees and aims to propagate the aforementioned definition as the official one. However, one cannot generalise every political party into this segregated and specific class of corrupt politicians motivated by selfishness.
OneWorld will now analyse what promotes the entrance of an individual into politics. Politics, or political sentiment, is regarded as an intrinsic reward for a human being by celebrated psychologists such as Tim Kasser. It is motivated by a person's morals and ethics. Political activity is majorly encouraged by:
- The distinct intrinsic rewards associated with supporting the community.
- The inconvenient or disastrous system of governance in the current scenario.
- A new perspective or a new alignment unseen in the current political scenario which would duly improve life from a certain angle.
- A reason for an immediate change to prevent imminent disaster.
- Et al
This field consisting of a delectable array of career choices, was intended for the pure of heart and untainted souls. Today, this field has degraded into a shamble of inbound political punchlines to entice the public in the manner of selfish greed. The current scenario is devoid of remote semblance to its former sophistication. Regardless of ideology, the active citizen is left to deal with the status quo amidst politicians adopting a laissez-faire attitude or an extremist one. Politicians who taste power protect it (as OneWorld reports it) with their lives. The fictitious throne of power commandeers respect for the position of authority it provides. To shield their beloved seats of influence, they do a quid pro quo, commonplace. Bribery, unholy alliances et cetera are tools of these divisive leaders and tacticians aiming to deconstruct politics in their biased vision in a supposed pro bono.
However, it is wondrous to the author that these leaders are not sacked or exiled for their machiavellian techniques in inciting an electorally beneficial fury in the general masses. Realisation dawns the author, who conveys this information astounded by the surrounding psychological references too.
'Congress will try to build Ram Temple if elected to power' - February 22, 2019.
'Congress stalled the issue, Narendra Modi solved the issue' - November 21, 2019
'Now that the wheels of justice have started moving and their past is haunting them, they are spreading false propaganda through their cronies and proxies.' - November 21, 2019
These statements are crude examples of the divisive mindset propagated by the political competition today. It sets people into two categories - black or white. One either supports BJP or does not. One either supports the Congress (and therefore the Ram Temple's construction) or one does not. These statements inhibit the mental clarity required to preserve the sanctity of the electoral process. An individual believing in the 'propaganda' of the Opposition will not necessarily adhere to the entire manifesto of the Opposition. It should symbolise an immediate dislike for the incumbent or a direct detest for the same. However, such statements do so with rapid effect.
Watch out for Part 2 of DECODED - Divisive Statements
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